“Improve health and life through prevention and control of infectious diseases.”
“To strengthen the research capacity and develop novel tools/strategies for prevention and
control of infectious diseases.”
Community Cooperation
Provide communication and surveillance system to control infection in such
Preparing for (re)emerging disease by make the cooporating between research
center and communities leader
Generate accessible understandable and raising awareness media
Provide knowledge and healthcare services for public
Developing team for communities
Create cooperation with communities leader or healthcare officer
Research Capacity
Publish research documents about infectious disease and drug-resistance
pathogen from animals or environment by modern molecular technology to have an ONE-HEALTH
internationally accepted
Generate surveillance database system and use to predict the outbreak
Human Resourse Development
Support and develop multidisciplinary staff
Devolop and prepare the researcher for international task
Be a traning center for student or who interested
Generate accessible understandable and raising awareness media
Network Collaboration
Be a central of international conference
Create cooperation network between expert and experienced both in
country and other country to create research for ONE-HEALTH model
Be an organizer or the participants of international conference